Former President Jagdeo behind the purchase of private jet for Mohammed Irfaan Alis flights to Miami: Associated Press

The Associated Press revealed that the G550 Gulfstream jet used by presidential candidate Irfaan Ali to fly to Miami each week was purchased by former President Bharrat Jagdeo.

In an investigation made by the international news agency, it was revealed the business they made for the acquisition of the aircraft now used by the PPP presidential candidate.

«Through recently created companies whose resources are unknown, former President Bharrat Jagdeo bought the aircraft for his personal use; however, it was given away so that the now candidate for the government of Guyana could go to Miami and return to his campaign events,» the investigation says.
The investigation also details that the aircraft has an initial price tag of $42 million, this without the luxury amenities employed by the PPP candidate, Irfaan Ali.